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Trista Edwards

By September 26th, 2020No Comments

Beehive Cluster

A large, bright open star cluster located in the constellation Cancer.


I imagine 1,000 citrine points,

vibrating celestial swarm.


It vanishes & reappears.

Some say, the constant revival


is a crack. Through it souls enter

& depart the material world.


The matrimony of disaster

& belief sparkles here.


No. It drones. Like the tight electric

coils that string above our heads


in our invented cosmos. We are

star honey caught between worlds.




We’ve journeyed to pray          under the zodiac


of desert scions.      We pray for scars,        a mark


to brand our rosy flesh


& remind the body it is just a body—


a myth we tell ourselves.


I beg the stars to extend down & hook my rib.


This desert is beyond the human                                 world.


We are not human.      We are gobblets


of rose water,              ambrox,                       & myrrh.


My back is against rock,


my stems         detach              because there is nothing


to grasp.                           Because the night


can’t be held.               When people say God,


this moment is what I feel.





Trista Edwards is an associate editor at Luna Luna Magazine. She is also the curator and editor of the anthology, Till The Tide: An Anthology of Mermaid Poetry (Sundress Publications, 2015). You can read her poems at 32 Poems, Quail Bell Magazine, Moonchild Magazine, The Adroit Journal, The Boiler, Queen Mob’s Tea House, Bad Pony, Occulum, and more. She creates magickal candles at her company, Marvel + Moon.