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Joe Milazzo

By February 16th, 2022No Comments

goose, loose


free sample playing hooky
at least it has the balls
to cut that “sir/madam” crap

how hot faucets stonewall
night owls and oversleepers
chemistry is a real mouth-breather
knuckle-dragging around in its birthday suit

certain intersections in this
Podunk are gaslighting dicks
stroking double yellow arrows
get real
get stuffed
light a match
swipe left
go piss up a bum steer

the business spur forces
an object lesson
in revenge porn
yard signs manspreading all over
the morning dew
from little acorns
neanderthal dandelions
crunked up on blue pills

it sure would be nice to believe
love is synonymous with Casey
Kasem’s American Top 40
unbleeped bloopers
dead air and warts and
all instead of a 1099
exposing your middle initial
butt-dialing the wrong last four digits





Joe Milazzo is the author of the novel Crepuscule W/ Nellie, two volumes of poetry — The Habiliments and Of All Places In This Place Of All Places — and several chapbooks (most recently, homeopathy for the singularity). His writings have appeared in Black Clock, Black Warrior Review, BOMB, Prelude, Tammy, Texas Review and elsewhere. He is an Associate Editor for Southwest Review and the Founder/Editor-In-Chief of Surveyor Books. Joe lives and works in Dallas, TX, and his virtual location is