sad dirt caked, my hart
expounds on the reverb
-erations erratic land
summon green to
smolder, where you were
cupped faces palm
plain lightning split
cobble stone human
dwindling – reeternal
thunder struck hooves,
I gathered in the reprise
my limbed disjecta
& force fields close
around my body
a cabin for anger
no god comes home to
liquidate the plains
dontgothere dakota
cattle herders like you mean
it to go sauntering
home worlds I walked home prairie fires
of crying
thru yr face as lips cusped against
time disassembles you
fade my memory
muscles recall
horseflinches, when you
outro the saloon revolving
homestead hopespace’s
crash landed in the web
precision designs its
vulgar allegories
honestly done
III. space time
by the riven
things we desire
IV. left off
precipices word
hopes harmony
wills returns
impossible thru
the labyrinth: music
yr thread shreds
self luminous
deluge the plains I hoped for
the seas to remercy you
ankle drenched
flex yr torso a perfect
to drowning
IV. hopes
space homeworlds almost
just their cadence
cuts up the livingever under neath
jessica baer, the last
cosmonaut in space foreverhorses, cosmologyyoked
drag its bed
the riled, stars revolt
from pasture fixation
I drilled a little bit
the landfall whatever
we can do without
water the body named
V. me
spoor tracker
descant alembic
all ways departing
from the fold earth
gave you to
grave grooves inside
the white flaked
mountain caps back
drop to fall apple
hurt deafening the structure
we were strictures applied
to us
namesake mistook for
home planets familiar
companion my animal/splinters
the bodies rote
understanding of
touching close by
death itself I mean
the code
you cipher with
handles me,
I grow moss: a heliotrope
V. signals curve
weave-sign the atmosphere
radio active
decay limitrophes
of the nothing
you came in with
crystal mine drifters
& gone
vi. when you
thrumming crystals in the lost
whorl’d flowers strip
thru yr skins sentence
to salt scattered trans
literate the lightning
abound earth
its chords all
we have instead
quarried out
of fissures-crying
VI. crystalstruck
gloam heaven
of slopes facets
diamonds: mine
not this time
VII. a redolent god faces vary
similitude: that molten re
after-pastures we were
still there slow burners
music bronzed waves fall
to curls, keep receding
to me – a word’s reflection
copes with the sun setsaid
horse is green wrecks the reef ship wrecks
shadows befall originary
hope predated: minerals
mine ploughed aside you were, till there aureolesmoking cusps touch, us
the grain
mine knowing yr
exit exit
diamonds, but not this time