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David Alejandro Hernandez

By September 26th, 2020No Comments

The Purring on Russell St.

Another word for house is

Gender. Another word for

Engender is house. An era


Onto which we awaken: it is so


Fully retaining its vivacity,

Only without any of

The additives.


Revitalized to a fault, the

Purring surely ramifies.



I have been guilty of faultily

Perceiving in the past.




Winter, now. We scatter


The downloads in rows to

Stow. They stopped participating in

The purring, but let’s not


Forget it exists. Or that it has stopped

Being mistaken for

Its hibernal twin,


His tenuous punishment

That of being likened to sleep.


Know only

We have separated

The delicates from the other loads.

Are ready to spend our one more night.


Antidote to the Prior

That idea I had which / You dismissed just so / Happened to land lucky / For you comfortably in / The stream like down / From a goose after / A good old-fashioned / Goose-startle but it’s not / Like this stream is anywhere / Near here and I can go / Retrieve my shit that / Besides is prolly all / Drenched thru but the real / Worst part of losing / My idea thanks / To you is that soon / After a tornado (!) / Tore thru and totaled / My fence by which / I mean my enclosure





David Alejandro Hernandez is an undocumented writer, originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, but mainly from Northern California. He holds degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, and Washington University in St. Louis, where he was appointed the 2018-2019 Senior Fellow in Poetry. Poems appear or will shortly appear in FenceOversoundOmniVerse, and the Berkeley Poetry Review, among others.