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Isobel O’Hare:


“Much like Spring brings with it flowers and fertility, Issue #9 of Dream Pop is full of brightness and possibility, newness and transformation, darkness emerging into light. I’m excited to share with you this selection of work we received during the winter, which has sustained us until now. Carry it with you into the New Year, friends.”







Carleen Tibbetts:Carleen-Tibbetts

“It’s snowing again in Chicago, in a winter that seems to stretch forever with few sunny days. Going without poetry, going without Dream Pop often feels like enduring a creative winter. The few flashes of sun are definitely the pieces we have chosen to publish and are so excited about, and the entire issue itself feels like Spring has arrived early. It’s easy for me to set my own poems on the backburner as I move closer and closer to a paralegal degree, but I’m always so appreciative of those who have chosen us as a place for their work and even more thankful that I get to help bring this poetry to all of you. I hope you enjoy our newest issue!”





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